Taking down any sort of game with your highly efficient and hard-hitting crossbow might be the most fascinating thing you can ever experience but have you ever wondered that the broadheads on the bolt are the reason behind it?
As we all know that piercing within the skin of a game is not the thing that might help us take down our desired game. Although it is the broadheads with which you can damage the internal organs of the games so that they won’t suffer a lot.
Therefore, today we are back with the best crossbow broadheads 2023 that will immensely advance your hunting session with gaining more n more trophies because this review will be aiding your whole hunting session with immaculate precision along with lethal damage.
Best Crossbow Broadheads Reviews & Ratings
As you guys know that we have carried our legacy to put forward nothing but the truth, therefore the best crossbow broadheads review also features legit, and unbiased opinions based on our personal experience.
We have spent tens of hours choosing and testing the best crossbow broadheads for deer hunting and finally, we have finalized the following crossbow broadheads as they have stood undefeated throughout the testing session.
- QAD Exodus Broadhead (Editor’s Pick)
- Excalibur Boltcutter Broadhead (Best Fixed Blade)
- G5 Montec M3 Broadhead (Best 2022)
- Muzzy Trocar Broadhead (Best StainlessSteel)
- Rage X 2-Blade Broadhead (Best Mechanical)
- Swhacker SWH00219 Broadhead (Best 2 Blade)
- BloodSport Grave Digger Broadhead (Best 2-B Hybrid)
1: QAD Exodus Broadhead (Editor’s Pick)
125 Gn
Stainless Steel
The QAD Exodus Broadhead is entitled as the editor’s pick as it comes along with premium grade building and crafting facility that enables it to hold immaculate precision and accuracy to take down any game.
This is probably the top rated crossbow broadhead that features high-end durability and dependability so that you won’t let any of your goal trophies suffer a lot more than a minute or two. That is indeed the best thing.
The QAD Exodus Broadhead comes along with the fixed sort of formation that involves a bit of effort and shedding of kinetic charge while piercing within the skin of the game but it won’t have any sort of lag within its damage-causing ratio.
The physical aspects in these crossbow broadheads are concerning, so you might be delighted to know that this crossbow broadhead comes along with an actual 125 grains of weightage so that the flight pace would be optimal. Whereas the blades within the broadhead are the core of its damage ratio, therefore, you must be amazed to know that they incorporate 3 blades in this broadhead.
This crossbow broadhead incorporates a premium grade formation that is aligned with a dynamic orientation that assists its 3 blades of 0-¼” thickness to have a sleek profile but has an amazingly lethal cutting posture.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead features wholesome crafting material of stainless steel that keeps it viable ammunition for a long time and the 1-¼” piercing diameter makes it a fine deal for wild games as well.
- Sleek
- Highly damaging
- Pricey
- Rugged
Why you should buy it?
2: Excalibur Boltcutter Broadhead (Best Fixed Blade)
150 Gn
High Dependibility Stainless Steel
The Excalibur Boltcutter Broadhead is the best-fixed blade crossbow broadhead, deliberately crafted for our old-school crossbow hunters that are in love with heavier broadheads with immensely damaging facilities.
This crossbow broadhead with fixed blade orientation comes along with a whole weightage of 150 grains that seems to be a bit heavy for newbie crossbow hunters but it is indeed a plus point for our expert grade crossbow hunters.
Whereas it is incorporated with 3 blades that are of fixed orientation so that the game won’t suffer more than a minute as it will be damaging the vital organs to its maximum extent without any inconvenience.
The Excalibur Boltcutter Broadhead is probably the first choice of our old-school hunters as it comes along with premium grade features and specifications that will indeed add more to your hunting efficiency.
Being a product of a quality-centric brand enables it to have an outstanding performing formation along with a lethal orientation. Whereas this crossbow broadhead comes along with a fixed blade so that the hard skin can be pierced.
Although this crossbow broadhead possesses a wholesome pack of immaculate precision and high-end dependability you don’t have any sort of lagging while hunting within the woods or in target practice arenas.
This crossbow broadhead has a highly robust construction of stainless steel that keeps its damage ratio at maximum for a whooping large period along with its optimal weightage making it a viable option for old-school hunters.
- CLS enabled
- Best for expert or old school hunters
- Highly lethal
- Becomes a bit heavy option for beginners
Source: Lusky Archery Adventure
3: G5 Montec M3 Broadhead (Best Broadhead 2022)
100 Gn
Grade-420 Stainless Steel
Presenting you the G5 Montec M3 Broadhead that has been the best 2022 crossbow broadhead with which you can take down any kind of game which is legal in American territory as this made-in USA broadhead is probably the best in its price.
This crossbow broadhead features premium specifications along with efficient formation and highly rugged and robust built material so that you can have nothing but the best at such a price that won’t even offer a fine pair of shoes.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead incorporates an actual weightage of 100 grains that is indeed quite moderate for every class of crossbow hunters to take down their desired games without any problem. Moreover, this crossbow broadhead features a triple blade orientation along with a piercing diameter of 1-⅛” which is indeed an amazing thing for every crossbow hunter. Whereas the building grading is also of premium grade.
The G5 Montec M3 Broadhead is probably the best crossbow broadhead of 2022 as it features high-end specs so that you don’t have to bother about its marching or hitting and damage.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead incorporates a premium grade mono-piece formation so that it can attain enhanced durability and dependability which is a clear plus in contrast with other options in the same price range.
Being an American-made variant, this crossbow broadhead has deliberate crafting through the stainless steel of grade 420 so that you can have immense precision throughout the shooting along with premier grade strength.
- Highly rugged and robust
- Premier formation
- Single frame
- Outdated appearance
4: Muzzy Trocar Broadhead (Best Stainless Steel)
100-125 Gn
Talking about the best stainless steel crossbow broadhead then the Muzzy Trocar Broadhead might be on the top as it possesses the most dependable and durable build material that makes it an outnumbered choice among other options at the same price.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead with wholesome stainless steel formation comes along with a premier grade static sort of orientation & triple blade face so that you won’t even miss from an inch.
Although this crossbow broadhead incorporates a mediocre grade weightage despite being crafted from wholesome stainless steel build material that is undoubtedly an unbelievable thing.
The Muzzy Trocar Broadhead indeed has a fixed sort of blade that will pierce right into animal’s skin, and vital organs for harvesting them within no time without any inconvenience or abruption.
If you are an expert crossbow hunter then you might have understood by now how much a stainless steel structure along with 3 fixed sorts of blades that are holding a width of 0.035 inches can do with a grizzly, elk, or moose.
Morr, this crossbow broadhead incorporates an amazing fusion of sleek and smart profile along with a thick tip that will pierce within the skin, and above all, it has a blade offset that has more inclination towards the right direction for enhancing precision and accuracy.
- Sleek and smart profile
- Efficient dimensions
- Highly fetal marching impact
- Tip is a bit thick
Here’s a testing result of Muzzy Trocar Broadhead
5: Rage X 2-Blade (Best Mechanical Broadhead)
100-125 Gn
Aluminum & Stainless Steel
The Rage X 2-Blade Broadhead might be the last thing that you might ever wish to have if you are a mechanical broadhead lover because this broadhead is the best mechanical crossbow broadhead.
Moreover, the actual customizations reinforced in these crossbow broadheads are just amazing with which it becomes the most viable crossbow broadhead for our old-school crossbow hunters.
Talking about its physical dimensions you might fall in love with it as it comes along with an actual weightage between 100-125 grains along with a piercing diameter of 2-inches which is undoubtedly more than enough.
Moving on further, we might love to add a bit about its functionality as it is the best mechanical broadhead that incorporates 2 blades with a single tip. Whereas the blades open up during the flight to keep the air resistance to a minimum.
The Rage X 2-Blade Broadhead possesses the most efficient and robust sort of construction because it is featured a dual sort of fusion construction that is featuring the aluminum and stainless steel material.
Although the fusion of aluminum and stainless steel incorporates extended sturdiness and dependability as the blades and weightage both are primarily focused on excelling the hunting experience.
Whereas these crossbow broadheads features the latest rogue formation that is featuring an amazing sport appearance within the broadhead along with hyperactive hunting proficiency.
This broadhead features the modern SLIPCAM technology along with being made in USA, synced with the RAGE’s Shock Collar Retention facility that is further compiled with the blades.
- SLIPCAM Tech-enabled
- SCRS Enabled
- Highly Dependable
- Blades are 2 only
“Tom Marinda” (user) explains why uses Rage X 2-Blade
6: Swhacker SWH00219 Broadhead (Best 2 Blade)
100 Gn
Aluminum & Stainless Steel
The Swhacker SWH00219 Broadhead is probably the best suitable option for the best 2-blade crossbow broadhead lovers as it features a mechanical sort of variant for enhanced performance.
As for the actual weightage of a broadhead, it concerns with denoting the actual performance along with the interference of air resistance concerning the shooting pace, therefore it comes along with an actual 100 grains weightage that is just amazing.
Moving on further, as we have previously stated that this crossbow broadhead is the best 2-blade crossbow broadhead due to the incorporation of 2 blades with the mechanical ability to flap or close.
As for the physical form of this crossbow broadhead, this crossbow broadhead comes along with an actual piercing diameter of 1-¾”.
Although the build material and construction orientation of broadhead matters a lot, therefore the makers have incorporated this crossbow broadhead with a dual sort of building material that is aluminum and stainless steel.
Whereas the Swhacker SWH00219 Broadhead has made us fall in with although we were not that much inclined towards the posterior deploying broadheads, the Swhacker has made us fall in love with it and thousands of others their efficiency, and performance.
As it features two distinctively functioning blades, synced with the shooting pace and featured to pierce right into the hair, skin, and organs or bones without any inconvenience.
- Value added packageHighly efficient
- Premium built
- For posterior facing broadhead users only
Watch how SWHACKER broadhead cut pass 6″ through pig’s rib, all clear:
7: BloodSport Grave Digger (Best 2-B Hybrid Broadhead)
125 Gn
Aluminum & Stainless Steel
If you are looking for the best double blade hybrid sort of crossbow broadhead then nothing can compete with the BloodSport Grave Digger Broadhead as it is the best 2-B hybrid crossbow broadhead.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead has deliberate crafting for both expert and newbie crossbow hunters as it comes along with premium grade functionality and formation along with high efficiency.
Being a hybrid sort of crossbow broadhead, the BloodSport Grave Digger Broadhead has functioning as both the mechanical and fixed sort of crossbow broadhead or you can use both the blades at the same time.
As long as the actual physical weightage of this crossbow broadhead is concerned then you must be pleased to know that this crossbow broadhead has an actual weightage of 125 grains despite being featured with a hybrid sort of functionality.
The BloodSport Grave Digger Broadhead comes along with a premium grade cut-on facility so that the whole broadhead incorporates a versatile and modern appearance without any lagging.
Although this broadhead features both fixed mechanical arms as well that are synced with each other so that the hunter can use both of the features with enhanced efficiency and fatality.
Moving on further, this crossbow broadhead package features a quarter-inch piercing diameter that has both expandable blades synced with it for hitting the game with immense precision and might.
Whereas this crossbow broadhead offers you have on-demand customized shooting facility so that you won’t have to bother about the retention or settling the bolt within the shaft.
- 1-inches piercing diameter
- Hybrid nature
- Featured Blade retention facility
- Bit costly
Here’s how John Lesker at “Lusk Archery Adventure” rates the broadhead
Things To Consider Before Buying The Best Crossbow Bolts
As you have completely gone through the best crossbow broadheads reviews and ratings with in-depth detailing, now we might love to draw your attention towards a few points that will be helping you understand the whole situation without any inconvenience. You must have the necessary knowledge about what you need to look for.
Therefore here is a comprehensive buying guide to assist you people with the best we can for making you understand every possible detail about crossbow hunting so you can have a peaceful hunting session.
So without any further delay let’s get started:
Types of Broadheads
First of all you need to know that there are a few different variants of broadheads themselves, as the broadhead variants are purely based upon personal preference, whereas we will be elaborating it a bit further to make you understand about its detailing.
There are three different variants of crossbow broadheads, two of them are widely used whereas the third is not that common among the crossbow hunter community for a few years.
1: Fixed:
First of all, the most widely used crossbow broadhead variant that is considered the most viable option for old-school crossbow hunters or expert crossbow hunters is the Fixed sort of crossbow broadhead.
The fixed sort of crossbow broadhead is the most widely used broadhead but it has nothing to do with the newbie crossbow hunters that are more appealing to technology and advancement.
Whereas the fixed sort of broadheads has a certain number of blades that incorporates the top in a distinctive manner that can prove itself much more lethal while taking down any animal.
2: Mechanical:
The mechanical sort of crossbow broadhead is the advanced option that has synchronized sort of blades that are efficiently retracting as per the convenience for advancing the flight of the arrow.
Although the mechanical sort of crossbow broadhead is the most admired & widely used variation throughout the crossbow hunting community as it features enhanced easiness for hunting the will games.
3: Hybrid:
In the last, we might love to show you people the last variant of crossbow broadheads which are the most advanced and latest variant that has a fusion formation of both the mechanical and fixed broadheads.
Whereas the hybrid broadheads are quite efficient and convenient to use but still are unattended as the crossbow hunting community doesn’t even understand that this broadhead can be used without prior practice.
Although this crossbow broadhead has 4 blades two are of fixed nature and the other 2 are mechanical you can use it according to your preference and convenience.
Here’s some tips for you to consider before making a purchase:
Source: “Death by Bunjie”
As we all know that weightage of each accessory mounted with a crossbow or the bolt has extended essentialness as it will be influencing the whole shooting pace and process that may result in miscalculation and misfiring.
Therefore, we are aiding you people with essential noting about the weightage of crossbow broadheads. For choosing the top-rated crossbow broadheads it is necessary to entail a package that has a broadhead with a weightage ranging from 100-150 grains.
Although the experts have suggested that if anyone wants to own the best crossbow broadhead for fast crossbows then it always entails a broadhead that has the same weightage as of stock broadhead.
Whereas the best mechanical crossbow broadheads majorly incorporates 100-125 grains of weightage. On the other hand, the best-fixed blade broadheads for crossbows weigh almost 125-150 grains.Therefore, for you, we may advise you to entail a crossbow broadhead that has the same weightage as it is mentioned in your crossbow user guide. Whereas you have to put a bit much heed to the weightage factor despite formation as it won’t cause any mess.
1: What makes the best crossbow broadhead?
Choosing the best broadhead is indeed a matter of personal choice. Whereas if I was searching for the best crossbow broadhead then I would have chosen the BloodSport Grave Digger Broadhead as it is incorporated with the most efficient features and specifications along with the hybrid nature of both mechanical and fixed broadheads. Although this crossbow broadhead incorporates with a smart and sleek profile along with a vicious formation that is extremely lethal.
2: Can we sharpen the crossbow broadheads?
You can have a simple analogy that any metal with a deformed formation for making a weapon is sharpened and can be sharpened over time. The same is the case with the broadhead blades that are crafted from stainless steel. Therefore, if your crossbow broadheads of yours have lost their sharpness over time then you don’t need to replace them, whereas you can sharpen them from time to time. Whereas you can sharpen your broadhead blades with commercial tools and with a wet stone as well. It all depends upon you and your efforts and skills for polishing your hunting skills and sharpening the broadhead blades.
3: Can hunters reuse the broadheads?
As we have told you before that the broadheads are easily sharp-able without any problem therefore you can use them after sharpening them properly. Whereas if the malfunctioning is not because of sharpness then you must seek some assistance from experts for further guidance to identify any frills or bends within the broadhead blades. Whereas the blades can be reformed for getting rid of any bend, etc.
Final Words
Choosing a broadhead for your crossbow bolt is primarily a decision of your preferences. Whereas the hunter can identify its requirements and customizations within the broadheads.
Therefore we won’t be assisting you here with our expert suggestions. Although you can choose accordingly as per your convenience concerning the requirements and customizations needed for a fruitful session.
Whereas we are hopeful that you must have found this time worth reading each detail within this article and you must have understood what you need to look for while picking the best suitable crossbow broadhead.